Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Writing Essay Examples

If you desire to learn how to write an essay, the best way to start is by analyzing essay examples. There are plenty of essays examples online on a variety of topics. If interested in learning the use of descriptive writing in essays, understand that this writing is different from other types of writing. Descriptive essays employ a narrative approach. Such essays strive to create a vivid mental picture of an experience to the reader. Writing essay examples excellently is dependent on the information you include, which should be based on facts, statistics, observations and descriptions.
Writing essay examples for learning purposes
Descriptive writing in essays is a classical model for students learning how to write essays.
Because they are written in five-paragraph format, it is easier for a student tackling his/her first essay to understand other than writing a complex essay. Writing essay examples is useful in the following ways.
  1. Writing an introductory paragraph
Use of descriptive writing in essays should begin with an introduction. An introductory paragraph is the first section the reader will see. It should present the thesis statement and an overview of what the reader should expect in the rest of the paper. The last sentence of the paragraph should use transition statements to move the reader to the body of the essay.
  1. Writing the body                                  Click to view the guidelines to writing a good essay.
The second stage of writing essay examples is to write the body. The body of an essay comprises of three paragraphs. The first paragraph presents the strongest reason, the most relevant example and a clever illustration. The second paragraph should present the second strongest reason, second most relevant example and a clever illustration. If the body has a third paragraph, the same sequence should be followed.
  1. Writing the conclusion
A conclusion is necessary when writing essay examples in descriptive format. The function of a conclusion is to restate the main argument. It also highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the argument. Another function of a conclusion is to explain the significance, implications and limitations of the findings. A conclusion should not end prematurely or flatly. Instead, conclude with a reference or quotation, something that will amplify your argument. Do not forget to present some suggestions and recommendations for further research.
Descriptive writing in essays is similar to narrative writing. Such essays require vivid descriptions and explanations in order to create a clear mental picture in the mind of the reader.

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