Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Writing Essay Samples

When learning how to write an essay, students are advised to spend considerable time practicing. The optimum practice method is writing essay samples. There are plenty of written essay samples on the internet on a variety of topics. These essays range from 1-2 pages to 1-5 pages depending on the essay prompts and the instructions. Essays especially those downloaded from credible sites such college sites and custom essays sites. Anytime you are practicing writing essay examples, know that instructors judge a writer on the same sequence of fundamental principles as follows:
  1. To determine the level of knowledge, a student, has on a particular concept. When grading, evaluators acknowledge that essays are based on ideas’ and not the correctness of a point or an answer.
  2. To determine the students ability to express his ideas successfully and, in a clear and compelling manner.
  3. To check whether the student can organize ideas in a flowing sequence, or, can connect thoughts using transitions. In addition, important is to check whether the writer provides the relevant support in the form of illustrations, examples and anecdotes.

With the former elementary grading principles in mind, it’s easier to determine what the evaluator expects. Once done writing essay examples, read them whilst asking pondering on the following questions:
-          Does the essay have a thesis and is it strong or weak?
-          Do the topic sentences attempt to prove the thesis correctly?
-          Are the supporting facts provided specified or generalized?
-          Are there any ambiguous nouns such as person used in the essay?
A brilliant writer simply excels by immediately establishing an appropriate thesis, building logical arguments and conclusions. Essentially an excellent essay should show harmonious flow of ideas using concrete examples to illustrate points. The last paragraph should be short, crisp, and not prolonged needlessly.
Writing essay samples not only helps improve your researching skills, but also sharpens your critical thinking abilities. Tutorials alone are not effective learning materials. Students must spend more time practicing essays independently other than seeking assistance. Sound written essay samples should indicate how a good essay should be organized, structured and formatted. Such an essay is an excellent source of research data and references if handling a similar topic.
In order to reap enormous benefits whilst writing essay examples, take time evaluating samples online before downloading them.

This author is a professional essay writer in different essays like scholarship essays, argumentative essaysapplication essays, persuasive essays, and much more. You can also visit http://www.bestessayservices.com/blog for more tips on writing essays and other research papers.

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